Here is an English version of the French guide "Petit guide à l’usage des hôteliers-restaurateurs et de leurs webmestres" (FR).
In some countries, incentive measures allow hotel managers to adapt their premises to the needs of disabled people, and there is a large amount of technical aids to facilitate their life. However, if we consider websites of hotels and restaurants, few efforts are made to take into account the different disabilities and to promote the technical adaptations made in the premises. Most websites do not respect the basic principles of web accessibility, whether the users are disabled or not. It is necessary to inform hotel and restaurant managers and their webmasters so that they can take into account the needs of every potential user of their site. The quality of the information and its presentation being essential to build an inclusive and respectful information society. The guide begins with general advice which will improve the accessibility of a website for all categories of guests. In the next section, advice is given for each of the four categories of disabilities (visual, motor, hearing, and cognitive). The third part recapitulates all the recommendations and allows you to evaluate an existing website or to verify that the key points have been taken into account during the design phase. To conclude, the final part gives some references regarding digital accessibility. The CRI – Greta du Velay has written this guide thanks to the collaboration of several communities and expert associations in the areas of disabilities and technologies. The contributors are listed at the end of the guide. Thanks to Jenifer Marian Littman from Tourism for All UK for the English proof reading. To go further we suggest collecting comments and propositions of readers in the comments of this post, in order to prepare the next version of the guide.